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We recruit, develop and support outstanding nurses (RNs), healthcare assistants (HCAs) and support workers (SWs) to meet a wide range of care needs. Our staff are all vetted, permanent employees working in both establishments and on a one-to-one basis. With the highest standards of training and clinical supervision, we deliver exceptional service, peace of mind and value for money.

In practice, this means that we take time to understand each person:

  • their strengths and existing supports

  • their personality

  • their preferences and dreams for the future.


We believe in providing compassionate and high quality care that allows individuals to retain their independence at home without jeopardizing health or safety, and support that enables them to function as part of their community.

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Personal Approach

We aspire to a society where all individuals and their families have the opportunity to live fulfilled lives. When we work with you, we try to understand your needs, and develop support that reflects your preferences as an individual, or as a family unit.
We have a philosophy that ensures people have the support they need to live full and positive lives.  Our approach is informed by:
proactive human rights-based practices
a person-centred ethos
values of choice, control, openness and honesty, interdependence, and respect

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Holistic  approach

Our holistic approach to care and support moves beyond physical care to address all of the intangible aspects of wellness, whether this is aimed at the individual service user, or at organisational needs. 
We know that every individual and every organisation is different, and our goal is always to provide support in a way that you find most convenient. Whether you prefer to make advance bookings or have last minute requirements, we will tailor our service for you. 
At CADRE, we make a commitment to our employees, and clients. This must be reflected in the people we employ, and the service they provide.

Session in Progress

We believe in listening

Listening to clients and staff

Feedback is an essential part of how we operate and at CADRE we regularly ask our clients and employees what they think of our services. Here are just some of the ways in which we listen to people.

Annual employee engagement survey

Every year all our employees can take the annual engagement survey, which poses a variety of questions about how we operate and gauges how they feel. From this, we can learn where the business is working well to engage and satisfy employees, and where we can improve.


Staff assessment forms

When a new employee goes out to their first shift, and at regular intervals after that, a staff assessment form is sent to the client they worked for. Clients are asked to give feedback on the performance of our employees, their skills, experience, approach and overall level of satisfaction. The scores are evaluated at an annual appraisal by the employee's line manager, but they are also reviewed on an ad-hoc basis in the interim periods.

Employee Engagement

The feedback we receive from employees is just as important to us, and they often provide excellent suggestions on ways to improve care. Our employee surveys are conducted by the branches, and the results are fed back into our quality management system.

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